
Develop Xcode Extensions with JavaScript

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JSPower / Marketplace / Develop / About Me


JSPower is an Xcode extension, it provide development interface for the JavaScript language. Anyone can create Xcode extension utilities using JavaScript.

Install from Mac App Store and see How to enable in Xcode section below.

For developing an Xcode extension using JavaScript, please see How To Create Your Own Package.

Builtin utilities

For the builtin utilities, you could: 1) Convert selected text into ASCII Text. 2) Sort selected lines.

DLC Pack 1

After install the DLC Pack 1 from JSPower macOS app, you could :

3) Comment code block.

4) Jump to up/down 20 line.

More you can do

Of course, more you can do if you create your own package using JavaScript language.

See How To Create Your Own Package.


See JSPower Marketplace for a list of packages shared by our JSPower in the world.

If you want to share your utilities with the world, create a pull request to this file.

How to enable in Xcode

System Preferences -> Extensions -> Xcode Source Editor -> JSPower Extension


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